Becoming prayerful is a key aspect of our Christian life,
enabling us to grow in our lifelong faith, discipleship and
Prayer is at the heart of all of our Cursillo worship, activities
and events, and is part of the 3-fold focus of our small groups,
Prayer, Study and Action.
A significant prayer for the Cursillo community
Wherever you go, God is sending you
Wherever you are, God has put you there.
Christ, who is counting on you, has something he
wants to do with you where you are.
Believe this and go in His grace,
his love and his power. Amen
adapted from the Halverson Blessing
If you have a prayer request,
please contact the Lay or Spiritual Directors
Stella Davis. Artist and Printmaker.artwisestella
Reflection:Parable of the Sower & Wherever you go.. prayer