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Tuesday 25th July was St James Day and saw members of St  Edmundsbury and Ipswich Anglican Cursillo gather in our mother church at the Cathedral for our Annual Eucharist Service.
This was a service full of joy and thanks as we saw Revd Julia Lall step down as Spiritual Director, a role she has served in for the past 4 years. Bishop Mike then licenced Revd. Penny Brinkley as the new Spiritual Director.
Cursillo is a movement of the Church under the direction of the Bishops, empowering Christians to grow through prayer, study and action and be enabled to share God's love with everyone.
If you would like to know more about the St Eds. and Ips. Cursillo or are an existing Cursillista and would like to reconnect with Cursillo please see our website on or contact us on

Please also see the Latest Newsletter.

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