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“As the Father has loved me,
so have I loved you.
Now remain in my love."
John 15:9
Cursillo is an excellent example of lay people and clergy working
together and using their God – given gifts and ministries to
enable others to deepen their discipleship, and explore what
God might be calling them to do.
The Lay Director, Spiritual Director and Assistant Spiritual
Director, work closely with the Cursillo community to enable the
vision, direction and flourishing of Cursillo in our Diocese.
A team of clergy, who are also Cursillistas, offer spiritual
support and guidance at the weekends, retreats and Ultreyas.
Clergy Cursillo Weekend
Members of the clergy interested to become a Cursillo pilgrim
would make their Cursillo at a weekend in another Diocese.
Please contact Cursillo Spiritual Director Revd. Penny Brinkley.
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